Designed For More

Uplifting ethical brands through purpose-driven storytelling

The effectiveness of a brand’s designs has the power to bring people closer to their mission, or further away. Knowing this, Lauren Muth wanted to create effective designs for brands that were making a much larger impact in the world. So in 2019, she founded Studio Humankind, a branding and website design studio specializing in ethical storytelling for organizations that tackle complex social issues around the globe.

She serves these businesses by helping them establish a consistent and trustworthy brand, as well as increase their revenue through strategic, conversion-driven website design and educational storytelling. But on a much larger scale, Lauren brings awareness to social causes for maximum community impact, and a better world for future generations. Pretty cool, right?

We chat more with Lauren: 

  1. What drove you to start your business?

“I’ve always loved working in creative settings, but I just knew, even shortly after college, that I was meant for more than a 9-to-5 role. I wanted to step out on my own to create a brand that served others in the best way I knew how. So I started, Studio Humankind.

Ever since then, I’ve worked to develop strong foundations for deeply-rooted causes at the forefront of social justice that drives our world toward action, as well as help shed light on issues of the world not currently brought to our attention.”

  1. What are three words that describe you best?


  1. What’s something that not too many people know about you?

“I aspire to spend my life traveling the world, meeting new people, and learning about different cultures.”

Another fun fact:  “I was born on Christmas Day. I like to say that’s the reason I follow my Christian heart to give back— I believe I was created to do just that.” 

  1. Who inspires you?

“I’m inspired every day by the mission and vision of activist, Malala Yousafzai. I’ve read her books and followed her story because she represents the strong voice of herself and others and uses that image to provide advocacy for those who need it most.”

  1. What is your most guilty pleasure? 

“My guilty pleasure is definitely indulging in Chinese or Mexican food while watching the latest documentary or mystery thriller. I’ve always loved solving problems, whether they are real or not!”

To learn more about Lauren and Studio Humankind, visit her website here.
July 07, 2021 — Nina Whitmore